Culture At Work Africa – The public value of intercultural dialogue for social cohesion in urban Africa

This publication explains the reality of 15 African countries and provides details about 33 projects and programmes co-funded in the context of the Culture at Work Africa‘s initiative; from the frames and narratives to the final outcomes and outputs, from the successes to the difficulties experienced.  From 2018 to 2021, Culture at Work Africa aimed Culture At Work Africa – The public value of intercultural dialogue for social cohesion in urban Africa

New EU-funded cultural projects launched across EU and Western Balkans

13 new EU-funded cultural projects are being launched across Europe, designed to increase cultural cooperation within the Western Balkans and with EU Member States, and strengthen the competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries in the Western Balkans. The new projects has been introduced at an event on 19 May, for cultural stakeholders with an interest in New EU-funded cultural projects launched across EU and Western Balkans