GCLP 2019: ALUMNI REUNION – One month to go!

… In less than a month, the participants of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme will be reunited for an exceptional edition of the training, in Brussels next 23-25 October. Coming from over 20 different countries across the globe, the participants of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme (GCLP) are outstanding cultural operators and leaders. The Cultural Diplomacy Platform is very GCLP 2019: ALUMNI REUNION – One month to go!

EU-India Cultural Relations: wide European literature in India

EU-India Cultural Relations promote literary exchanges. The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) laureates Jan Carson (Ireland/UK), Marta Dzido (Poland) and Çiler İlhan (Turkey) will participate in a week-long programme in India, next 20-27 September 2019. Following the success of the participation of EUPL authors to the New Delhi World Book Fair, the European Literature Festival EU-India Cultural Relations: wide European literature in India