Supporting the traditional arts and crafts industry in Mongolia

Traditional craftsmanship is a significant part of Mongolia’s intangible cultural heritage reflecting intellectual, aesthetic, and symbolic expressions. Traditional arts and crafts in the country are constantly re-created, as they are passed on from generation to generation embodying not only a distinctive nomadic way of thinking, but also spiritual beliefs.
The Cultural Relations Platform, in partnership with the EU Delegation to Mongolia, engaged in a new activity that explored the current traditional arts and crafts landscape in the country and supported local professionals in the sector through capacity building.
Saruul Arslan and Tsolmon Tserendorj, two experts hired by the CRP, carried out a mapping and analysis outlining the Mongolian arts and crafts ecosystem and , among others, identified local and national networks, understanding how skills are passed to the next generation and overall assessing challenges and opportunities of the sector.
The mapping identified 15 Mongolian arts and crafts professionals who had the opportunity to participate in a capacity building workshop in Mongolia’s vibrant capital Ulaanbaatar. During three days, Mongolian and European experts helped the professionals deepen their understating of the industry, provided them with effective business strategies and supported their network and market development.
Mongolian craftspeople demonstrate their artistry across a diverse array of more than twenty distinct methods. Be it needlework, costume-making, bone craft, wood engraving, blacksmith arts, traditional calligraphy, ger making – to name a few – their repertoire of techniques showcases the rich tapestry of Mongolian cultural heritage. The Cultural Relations Platform remains dedicated to providing a wide picture and facilitating collaborations within this traditional, yet ever-changing sector.
Our experts for this project

Saruul Arslan
Since 2012 Saruul Arslan has been working as an ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage) Specialist and Head of Registration and Information Department at the National Center for Cultural Heritage of Mongolia.
She conducts researches on the current cultural heritage elements registered in the National Center, as well the UNESCO’s ICH Lists, inventory-making of ICH, maintenance of ICH Database, and improvement of the cultural heritage programme and policy in Mongolia.
Saruul Arslan is actively involved as a team member in various projects with focus on safeguarding, documentation, risk study, inventory-making and transmitting of ICH.

Tsolmon Tserendorj
Since 2008 Tsolmon Tserendorj has been working in the field of cultural heritage. She worked at the National Center for Cultural Heritage of Mongolia as ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage) Specialist between 2008 and 2020.
From 2020 on Tsolmon has been working for the Ministry of Culture, as a specialist in charge of intangible cultural heritage. She coordinates the policy implementation of the intangible cultural heritage and improvement of the cultural heritage programme and policy in Mongolia.
She is actively involved as a team member in various projects and programmes with focus on safeguarding, documentation, and transmitting of ICH.