Naoures Rouissi, GCRP 2022

Cultural manager, researcher, trainer, and film festival programmer. Head of Film and programming Department of Carthage Film Festival from 2015 to 2019 and 2021 and Programmer of Manarat Film Festival 2021 and 2022 in Tunisia. She trained young cultural managers in Tunisia and in Cameroon in organizing film festivals and cultural events. In 2020, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Cultural Policy and Cultural Management from the University of Arts and Humanities at Hassan II University Casablanca. Naoures has participated in organizing and programming many Film Festivals in Tunisia such as Cinema for Peace? and others. Besides Manarat film festival, Naoures is currently working as an Expert, Project Manager of LACEN «Laboratoire de Création des Expériences Numériques» at Tunis International Center for Digital Cultural Economy as well as a Festival consultant at The Arab Film Festival Zurich (IAFFZ).