Support & Cooperation in Cultural and Creative Sectors
21 Jun 2021

Beyond resilience? Resetting international cultural relations

“International cultural relations can help us protect the sector from future harm, sharing resources across borders, sharing best practice, and building solidarity… If we can continue to build a better cultural relations infrastructure during non-crisis times, we can have better co-ordination in these efforts in the future

Lauren Agosta, panellist

How has Covid-19 impacted the cultural and creative sectors around the world? Our research found that the pandemic is exacerbating and accelerating pre-existing trends in cultural relations nationally, transnationally and internationally, and that structural vulnerabilities leave the cultural and creative sector particularly susceptible to shocks.

In such a challenging context, do we need to think beyond resilience? How do we move forward and what role can international cultural relations play?

Watch our roundtable from 28 June, which explored these questions and the findings of the research with speakers from the European Commission, the University of Siena and three alumni from our Global Cultural Leadership Programme.


  • Sana Ouchtati, Team Leader at the Cultural Relations Platform (Brussels, Belgium
  • Pilar Campos, Programme Manager, Public and Cultural Diplomacy at the Foreign Partnership Instrument, European Commission
  • Professor Pierangelo Isernia, University of Siena, who co-authored the research (Siena, Italy)

And alumni of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme, the Cultural Relations Platform’s flagship training programme:

  • Lauren Agosta, Senior Culture and Collaborations Lead at Open Society Foundations (New York, United States)
  • Mohit Dhingra, Expert at Capacity Building for European Capitals of Culture (Delhi, India)
  • Beth Ponte, Arts Manager, Consultant and Researcher (Salvador, Brazil)