14 Oct 2020
Culture in the EEAS
The European External Action Service (EEAS) is strongly engaged in international cultural relations. Culture is at the heart of EU international relations and the Joint Communication adopted on 8 June 2016 aims at encouraging cultural cooperation between the EU and its partner countries.
The EEAS has developed various tools and programmes to promote EU external cultural relations:
- The EEAS Culture Website presents the latest news in the field of EU international cultural relations and described the most recent activities implemented by the EEAS and EU Delegations worldwide.
- The EEAS organizes regular regional seminar for EU Delegations, with cultural joint sessions held by EUNIC – EU National Institutes for Culture.
- Joint-webinars between the Commission services (DG INTPA, DG NEAR, DG EAC) and EUNIC are also implemented by the EEAS.
- The EEAS is leading and piloting the global network of cultural focal points of EU Delegations.