1 Oct 2020
COVID-19 Resilience: Creative Industry Options and Strategies in East Africa

Shortly after the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic, HEVA Fund launched a study to understand the impact of the pandemic on the Kenyan creative and cultural industries. HEVA reached out to 510 CCIs’ practitioners in Kenya, analyse their responses, and began to think about some strategies for the sector.
This report compiles the findings of this analysis and gives concrete proposals to address the crisis while increasing the sector resilience. Main recommendations include:
- Launch an ‘Artists Relief Project‘, a national project to employ artists and artisans and boost job employment of the sector in Kenya
- Set up fiscal and tax incentives
- Develop a Culture and Creative Business Rescue Fund Facility to increase access to commercial financing for the CCIs and secure the development of the sector in the future
- Create a CCI sector Observatory, with resources for research, experimentation and sharing