Artists Abroad: i-Portunus the EU’s First Mobility Scheme for Culture

i-Portunus Final Report
The i-Portunus grants supported 337 artists to travel abroad and engage with international audiences. This report presents the main results of the project and shares feedback from participants.
Download the report here.
Between April and September 2019, i-Portunus issued 3 calls for applications and received over 2.500 applications from more than 3.000 individuals. 337 artists in the performing and visual arts received a mobility grant, ranging from €1.500 to €3.400, allowing them to spend between 15 to 85 days abroad.
Grantees took full advantage of this opportunity to make their careers more international, improve their skills and broaden their networks. The experience has been highly successful, as shown by these rates:
- 97% of the participants said they acquired new skills
- 94% developed new audiences or outlets for their work
- 94% developed new co-productions or co-creations
- 49% received a job offer or new contract
Following this success, the Commission will continue to support the mobility scheme, as part of the new Creative Europe programme (2021-2027).
i-Portunus was a short-term pilot project, selected and funded by the Creative Europe programme (CEP) of the European Union, to trial a mobility scheme in 41 countries directly targeting individual artists and culture professionals (A&CP) active in the Performing or Visual Arts. Fore more information, visit the i-Portunus website.