Report on Fair International Cultural Cooperation #1 – Funding
Fair International Cultural Cooperation?
On 5 October 2018, DutchCulture gathered a group of 40 international experts at Broedplaats Lely in Amsterdam to discuss values and practicalities of fair(er) international cultural cooperation.
This meeting followed the publication of the tool kit Beyond Curiosity and Desire: Towards Fairer International Collaborations in the Arts earlier in 2018 by IETM with On the Move and DutchCulture, focused on issues influencing expectations and engagement in international and intercultural activities.
As a next step in addressing the points raised by the toolkit, the meeting aimed at offering an opportunity for funders and institutions to discuss and exchange their perspectives, as well as develop shared intelligence to move forward in embedding such practices in our respective organisations and ways of working. The meeting called for mutual understanding, transparency and sustainability in international cooperation and gave practical recommendations to reach these objectives.