16-17/06/2019 Culture for the Future – International Colloquium
European Commission’s International Colloquium
Culture for the Future: Creativity, Innovation and Dialogue for Inclusive Development
16-17 June in Brussels
Ten years later the International Collquium on “Culture and Creativity: vectors for development”, the European Commission will organise the International Colloquium under the themes “Creativity, Innovation and Dialogue for Inclusive Development” next 16-17 June 2019 at BOZAR, Brussels. It will be the occasion, like in 2009, to gather cultural professionals, artists, policy makers, donors, etc. to participate to sessions on how culture can shape the future and contribute to innovation, dialogue and inclusive development.
In other words, the colloquium will try to answer the following questions:
- How can culture contribute to job creation and social inclusion?
- How can cultural professionals have access to finance and markets?
- How can culture contribute to innovation and social cohesion?
- What are the opportunities and challenges for culture in the digital revolution?
Additionally, the European Commission is looking for young participants (18-28 years old) to contribute actively to the event e.g. notably in the working groups, but also as speakers, through artistic interventions or other means. To apply or for any further info on the International Colloquium, click here.