Towards fairer international collaborations in the arts
International artistic collaborations: why and how?
Beyond Curiosity and Desire: Towards Fairer International Collaborations in the Arts was published by the International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM) in March 2018 with the participation of On The Move and the Dutch Culture Center for International Cooperation and written by Mike van Graan.
Although international collaboration has become very important for the artists and for cultural projects (residencies, enhanced mobility, joint projects, co-productions etc) to work with professionals from other countries, some misunderstandings and friction may occur. Different factors can interfere with international cooperation projects in the arts and/or culture like historical links between countries, different political contexts, technical infrastructure and skills, freedom to travel, living and working conditions, traditions. For that reason, the author wrote this toolkit for the use of artists and cultural professionals interested in international collaboration: “the toolkit aims to promote fairer, better-informed and more sustainable artistic collaborations across cultural, national, class gender and other boundaries”. Among a rich content, you will find in this document:
- Definitions and concepts
- Why engage in international collaborations?
- What to consider when engaging international collaboration?
- Further tips for international collaboration, particularly in conditions of inequality
- Starting a project: three different approaches
- Proposed framework for international collaborations in the arts and culture
- Towards stronger international collaborations and cultural relations lessons from three stories
- Examples of international collaborations of artistic and cultural projects
See the full publication here.