22-23/10/2018 Reinforcing cooperation on cultural heritage
Fostering dialogue between the academic world, practitioners, and policy-makers on international cultural relations: the CReW Project.
Reinforcing cooperation on cultural heritage is the second conference organized by the CReW project (Cultural Relations at Work). It will take place in London on 22-23 October 2018. Programme and registrations available here.
The CReW project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet Activities and coordinated by the University of Siena (UNISI) and EUNIC Global. The main goal of the project is to foster discussion and reflection on cultural relations through a set of systematic cross fertilization efforts between policy-makers, practitioners and academics. The project has a special focus on the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood and consists of three events and a final conference where the academic world, practitioners, and policy-makers can meet and exchange on international cultural relations.
The Cultural Diplomacy Platform is particularly interested in the session entitled The New Agenda for Culture and its external dimension. The role of the Action Plan in strengthening EU international cultural relations and the parallel workshops on how to enhance European cooperation in EU’s external action on cultural heritage.
- The first event “Rabat Supporting culture as an engine for sustainable social and economic development in the EU Neighborhood South” took place in Rabat, Marocco.
- The second event, “Reinforcing cooperation on cultural heritage” is going to take place in London, UK
- The third event “Promoting culture and inter-cultural dialogue for peaceful inter-community relations” will take place in Stuttgart, Germany.
The final conference will gather selected attendees and speakers of the previous event and will take place in Sienna, Italy, in the summer of 2019.