Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth
The British Council, as the UK’s cultural relations organisation, has recently published a report on the role of Cultural Heritage for growth, development and how it can benefits all levels of society.
The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 has been the occasion to remind the common ans shared (in)tangible cultural heritage among Europeans and also the economic vector it can be. Therefore the British Council has launched the initiative Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth to explore the different use of cultural heritage.
Cultural heritage covers a large scope: from the built environment through to cultural traditions such as music and language. Inclusive growth means working with and for all levels of society in order to reconcile the divide between economic growth, and rising poverty and inequality.
The British Council has published a report to share the findings of a recent sector consultation and international research into cultural heritage for inclusive growth. It presents a pioneering approach to inclusive growth that sees the social and economic benefits of cultural heritage for all levels of society. It advocates for a way of working that is wide reaching and mutual, building trust and connections between the UK and overseas. The report is based on research carried out by the British Council’s global network as well as consultations with the UK sector. It has been further informed by desk research into inclusive growth as an approach, and the role of cultural heritage in society and economy.
A people-centered approach to heritage, that benefits all levels of society, will bring social cohesion and economic growth to emerging economies and developing countries.
The full research report, which includes UK and international case studies, is available here.