Liliana Nascimento, GCLP 2017

Liliana Nascimento was a a participant in the 2017 edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme.
Liliana graduated in Industrial Design but worked for over 10 years with directors, dancers, choreographers and writers before moving from Portugal to the UAE in 2006 where she developed her Art Education Master thesis research. Worked as Art Educator with major art institutions in the region such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai Art Fairs, Sharjah Art Biennial 12 and as Director of the Salsali Private Museum. Deeply interested in Education and the empowerment of people through Art for a better world through international cultural exchange, she is Vice-President of the Cultural Association “Noite do Fogo” a community project based in Óbidos, Portugal, declared Creative city by Unesco. She was a Mentor Pioneer of the Cultural Excellence Fellowship 2017/18 of the Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation. After GCLP 2017 Liliana moved to Belgium where she currently leaves and works as independent curator after a PgD in Curatorial Studies in the Hogeschool, Kask in Gent.
“The GCLP programme was the most valuable experience I had in my latest professional years. Being surrounded of international peers, sharing everyone’s struggles and learning from everyone’s perspectives was not only enlightening but also eye opening about my place in the art and cultural sphere and how we could and should create better connections. We did share indeed a sense of community and we all left feeling more inspired, stronger and much more confident.”
In order to introduce themselves and their organizations, the participants prepared a poster.