Charles Houdart, GCLP 2017
Charles Houdart was a participant in the 2017 edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Porgramme.
Charles Houdart is a creative development professional, with experience in diverse countries that include Zimbabwe, Kenya and Syria. Throughout his career, Charles held leadership positions working with a variety of organizations on major projects that developed the cultural sector. These projects ranged from music management to design development skills with partners such as the European Union, private companies and local NGOs. More recently he took up the position to lead the African Music Development Programme, AMDP. This capacity building programme is collaborating with organizations and music festivals in more than 10 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to build a sustainable music sector with a focus on increased employability. Charles is also the co-founder of Nyami Nyami Records which features unique recordings from the Southern African region through new productions, reissues and rare projects and collaborations.
“The GCLP was a great experience, and it gave me the opportunity to meet people from other regions of the world and other fields of expertise. I now have a better understanding of the reality of the cultural sector in Asia, Latin America, India, etc. It opened up a new world of opportunities, ideas and possible collaborations for me.”
In order to introduce themselves and their organizations, the participants prepared a poster.