Misako Futsuki, GCLP 2016

Misako Futsuki was a participant of the 1st Edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme.
Misako is the Director of Arts & Cultural Exchange at the Japan Foundation, New Delhi. She strongly feels the necessity of cultural projects in more mutual ways to learn each other, not just showcase from one side only nor one time only in this emerging global society. Based in India for 3 years, she has created and organized various collaborative projects where artists from different countries work together in the fields of dance, music and visual arts. She is currently working on India-Japan theatre collaboration project. She believes this first abroad work experience in India remains a guide to life.
“Wonderful privileged fruitful moment with inspiring lovely people at the very right time in my life. I came out of my time as a participant with a better understanding of connection in various aspects. Having meeting various cultural leaders from different back grounds and contexts in Malta, now I would like to become a cultural leader who supports and encourages people from the back as an unsung leader.”
In order to introduce themselves and their organisations, the participants prepared a poster presenting 4 elements – Me, My organisation, My Project and My Dream.