Luanda Smith, GCLP 2016

Luanda Smith was a participant of the 1st Edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme.
Founder and CEO of Creatividad y Cultura Glocal A.C. Mexican CSO specialized in civil society participation in the framework of 2005 UNESCO Convention’s implementation, particularly in Latin America. CSO activities include the Coordination of RedU40 Mexico (initiative of the German Commission for UNESCO and the IFCCD). In 2019 the CSO was commissioned by Mexican Government to coordinate Civil Society Participation in its Quadrennial Periodic Report. , and was accredited in 2020 as CSO observer of the governing bodies of the 2005 Convention. In 2021 Luanda was a reviewer and Coordinator in the peer-review process of the chapter dedicated to partnering with civil society of the 2022 Global Report – Re|Shaping Policies for Creativity. She was also part of the task force that designed and coordinated the 3rd Civil Society Forum. In 2023 she was invited by the German Commission for UNESCO to join the Editorial Team for the “Fair Culture Charter”.
“Besides specialized cultural diplomacy learning, multicultural peer-to-peer experience with specialists from other countries, sharing experiences, challenges, goals and vision of future the GCLP motivated me to keep working on cultural civil society capacity building to address local needs and develop projects that also enable international cultural cooperation.”
In order to introduce themselves and their organisations, the participants prepared a poster presenting 4 elements – Me, My organisation, My Project and My Dream.