Faye Hobson, GCLP 2016

Faye Hobson was a participant of the 1st Edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme.
Faye is an arts professional from Belfast, Northern Ireland. She completed her an undergraduate degree in photography at University College Falmouth in 2012. She has worked in a range of arts and culture roles including NGO’s, festivals and local government in Northern Ireland. Prior to the Global Cultural Leadership Programme, she had experienced international collaboration while undertaking a research fellowship for the British Council at the 2014 Venice Biennale. Whilst participating in the Global Cultural Leadership Programme she was employed as Outreach & Engagement Officer at Arts Ekta, an intercultural arts charity based in Belfast. In January 2017, she will take up a new position as Programme Associate at Salzburg Global Seminar in Austria.
“The Global Cultural Leadership Programme was energising, inspiring and transformative. I developed my understanding of cultural diplomacy, leadership and policy through discussion and collaboration with peers. On a personal level, the experience gave me the confidence and motivation to seek employment outside of my local area and has led me to an exciting new job opportunity.”
In order to introduce themselves and their organisations, the participants prepared a poster presenting 4 elements – Me, My organisation, My Project and My Dream.