EU-South Korea: Current Trends of Cultural Exchange and Future Perspectives
This report on South Korea-EU cultural exchange and its economic dimension was written by Marie Le Sourd and Elena Federico (staff at On the Move) and a South Korean associate researcher, Dr Sung-Won Yoon, on behalf of the European Expert Network on Culture (EENC). This report follows a request by the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission (DG EAC) in view of an upcoming meeting of the Committee on Cultural Cooperation (CCC) set up following the conclusion in 2009 of a Protocol on Cultural Cooperation (PCC) as part of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement, which is provisionally applied since 2011.
The report is articulated around three main sections. The first section provides readers with the overall context of the situation of EU-South Korea cultural exchanges with an emphasis on South Korea’s cultural policy features and perceptions about Europe and its culture. The second section outlines the situation of EU-South Korea exchanges in four main cultural fields: publishing, performing arts, cultural heritage and the mobility of artists and cultural professionals. Information about the economic impact of these fields is provided where available. The third section focuses on the audio-visual sector (including TV, film and animation).
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